Missouri River’s communications program provides comprehensive and strategic communication services for MRES and its members. Our team works diligently to ensure that accurate, timely and engaging information is delivered through various channels, including newsletters, websites, social media channels, videos, press releases and more.

We collaborate closely with internal departments, our members and external partners to develop and implement communication strategies that support Missouri River’s mission and goals. Whether it’s highlighting achievements, promoting the value of public power or sharing important updates, our communications program plays a vital role in keeping members — and their customers — informed and engaged.

Member Communications

MRES Today

The MRES Today newsletter is the primary communications vehicle to reach members, member policymakers, legislators, state associations and other interested parties. MRES Today is published monthly and provides updates on MRES projects, events, issues of concern and activities of the MRES Board of Directors. It also covers events and activities of our members and their communities, federal and state legislative activities, and many other issues pertinent to the electric utility industry.

News Releases

News releases are one avenue we use to communicate issues of high importance or urgency to our members, who can then choose to share that information with their local news media.

Social Media

MRES engages its members through social media by providing valuable and relevant content that aligns with their interests and needs. We also use social channels to educate the public about the value of public power and to publicize the activities of MRES and our members.

Perhaps most importantly, our social media channels provide a convenient way for members to share posts relevant to their utility or community, rather than creating their own social media content.

Use the links below to connect with us!

Annual Report

The MRES® Annual Report provides information on the mission of MRES and our purpose as a joint-action agency. It provides our 61 members and other stakeholders with a vested interest in our activities and financial performance, along with important information about the health of our organization and our company-wide achievements over the past year.

MRES members may find it useful to provide the report to their policymakers and other financial partners to inform them of the status of MRES as the community’s supplemental power supplier, energy services provider and business associate.


MRES currently maintains two websites for member information and support, as well as public information. In addition to our MRES corporate website, we also maintain the website for our Bright Energy Solutions energy-efficiency program, which provides residential and business rebates, and contractor resources.

Marketing Campaigns

MRES regularly provides members with monthly and quarterly marketing packages that are available in the members-only section of mrenergy.com.

Bright Energy Solutions

These marketing packages include print ads, social media posts and graphics, radio ads, news releases and letters to the editor that can be customized by members. Each month, these materials focus on a specific rebate or theme of the Bright Energy Solutions® program. From A/C tune-ups to electric vehicles to smart thermostats, everything is covered. Plus, members can benefit from our cost-share program that reimburses members for up to 50% of eligible expenses.

Value of Public Power

The Value of Public Power campaign provides quarterly marketing materials and monthly social media posts that members can use to promote the many benefits of a locally owned, locally controlled municipal electric utility.

From bill stuffers to newspaper ads to videos, MRES can customize these materials with member-specific information such as logos, contact information and more. And don't forget about our cost-share program (members only) that reimburses members up to 50% of eligible expenses.

Cost-Share Opportunities

As mentioned, members who participate in the Bright Energy Solutions and Value of Public Power programs are encouraged to take advantage of the advertising and event cost-share benefits, where they can be reimbursed up to 50% for eligible expenses based on number of meters served by the utility. For both programs, MRES offers cost-share opportunities for print or online advertising, home shows, expos, newsletters, and even promotional or giveaway items.

Get Access Today!

To access member marketing materials or learn more about the cost-share opportunities available, visit the members-only section of mrenergy.com.

For more information on our communication programs and services or to request access to the members-only section, please contact Director of Communications Valerie Larson-Holmes at 605-338-4042 or info@mrenergy.com.

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