House Bill Introductions

HB 1052: Prohibit eminent domain for carbon-oxide pipelines.
: Referred to State Affairs Committee 1/16. Passed State Affairs 10-3 1/24. Passed House 49-19 1/27. Referred to Senate State Affairs 2/10.

HB 1085: Establish a moratorium on construction of carbon dioxide pipelines and declare an emergency.
: Referred to State Affairs 1/23. Rereferred to House Commerce & Energy 2/7. Do pass as amended 2/21.

HB 1217: Requires customer consent for installation of smart meter.
Status: Referred to House Local Government 2/4. Deferred to the 41st Legislative Day 2/11.

HB 1228: Require an environmental impact statement from applicants seeking a carbon dioxide transmission facility permit from the state PUC.
Status: Referred to House Commerce & Energy 2/5.

HB 1243: Require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain.
Status: Assigned to House State Affairs 2/6. Tabled 2/12.

HB 1249: Protect landowners from the use of deception, fraud, harassment, intimidation, misrepresentation, or threat, in acquiring easements for linear infrastructure.
: Referred to House Commerce & Energy 2/7. Amended (HB 1249A) 2/12. Do pass as amended 2/21.

HB 1251: Establish the minimum compensation for an easement obtained through the exercise of eminent domain for a project affecting multiple landowners.
Status: Assigned to House Commerce & Energy 2/6. Tabled at the request of the sponsor 2/19.

HB 1261: Provide the board of commissioners with authority over certain intra-county land uses and construction projects.
Status: Assigned to House Local Government 2/6. Passed 9-3 2/18. Passed House 38-32 2/19. Referred to Senate Local Government 2/20.

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