Senate Bill Introductions
SF 58 (Green): A bill to exempt cooperatives from all clean and renewable energy standards. See also Companion Bill HF 1200.
Status: Introduced 1/15/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 350 (Eichorn): Repealing the nuclear moratorium.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate. Set for hearing 1/27/25. Laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill 1/29/25.
SF 426 (Eichorn): Repealing the 100-MW limit on new hydropower from the definition of renewable/eligible energy technology.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate. Set for hearing 1/27/25. Laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill 1/29/25.
SF 434 (Mathews): Repealing ROFR rights for incumbent utilities.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 465 (Mathews): Requiring IOUs to file decommissioning plans for coal generation in Minnesota. See also Companion Bill HF 486.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 466 (Mathews): Prohibiting local governments from banning natural gas or propane service to buildings. See also Companion Bill HF 483.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 467 (Mathews): Prohibiting local governments from banning new natural gas hookups. See also Companion Bill HF 484.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Labor.
SF 468 (Mathews): Repealing the nuclear moratorium as to new units of 300 MW or less. See also Companion Bill HF 485.
Status: Introduced 1/21/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate. Set for hearing 1/27/25. Failed to pass committee as amended 1/29/25.
SF 572 (Mathews): Repealing the 100-MW cap on new hydropower; repealing the nuclear moratorium, and allowing a delay in the RES/CFS if utility rates fail to stay at a certain level below national average. See also Companion Bill HF 9.
Status: Introduced 1/23/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 573 (Mathews): A bill to remove the 100-MW cap on hydroelectric power as renewable.
Status: Introduced 1/23/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 570 (Hauschild): Modifying permitting around wetland development; streamlining the process and timeframes.
Status: Introduced 1/23/25; referred to Environment, Climate and Legacy.
SF 577 (Eichorn): Increasing the efficiency of permitting around wetlands. See also Companion Bill HF 8.
Status: Introduced 1/23/25; referred to Environment, Climate and Legacy.
SF 608 (Lieske): Restricting the placement of data centers within city limits. See also Companion Bill HF 1109.
Status: Introduced 1/27/25; referred to State and Local Government. Set for hearing 2/20/25. Removed from committee hearing agenda 2/20/25.
SF 635 (Lang): Setting up a biomass business compensation fund and setting up an application process for claims of damage due to the early closure of a biomass plant. See companion bill HF 1772.
Status: Introduced 1/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 701 (Lucero): Prohibiting the installation of smart meters/AMI without a property owner’s consent.
Status: Introduced 1/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 718 (Lucero): Repealing the moratorium on nuclear facilities.
Status: Introduced 1/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 769 (Hauschild): Providing tax exemptions for data centers. See also Companion Bill HF 1277.
Status: Introduced 1/30/25; referred to Taxes. Set for hearing 2/5/25. Laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus bill 2/5/25.
SF 787 (Coleman): Allowing revising remote participation on public meetings.
Status: Introduced 1/30/25; referred to State and Local Government.
SF 794 (Limmer): Expanding the penalties and remedies for Data Practices violations. See also Companion Bill HF 390.
Status: Introduced 1/30/25; referred to Judiciary and Public Safety. Set for hearing 3/3/25. Bill not heard on 3/3/25.
SF 821 (Lang): Removing the hydro cap on new hydropower that counts as renewable. See companion bill HF 75.
Status: Introduced 1/30/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 851 (Lucero): Prohibits bans on companies investing in oil, natural gas, etc. (ESG legislation).
Status: Introduced 1/30/25; referred to State and Local Government.
SF 997 (Koran): Requiring that subscribers to community solar gardens reside in the same county as the garden. See also Companion Bill HF 880.
Status: Introduced 2/6/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate.
SF 1117 (Maye Quade): A bill requiring a study of the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence (data centers) to Minnesota. See also Companion Bill HF 1150.
Status: Introduced 2/6/25; referred to Environment, Climate and Legacy.
SF 1142 (Rarick): Revising net metering laws; providing for avoided cost payment for certain interconnections. See also Companion Bill HF 845.
Status: Introduced 2/10/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, & Climate. Set for hearing 3/10/25.
SF 1260 (Gruenhagen): Repeal the nuclear moratorium.
Status: Introduced 2/13/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment & Climate.
SF 1393 (Mathews): A bill exempting data center/large loads from the certificate of need process to site localized generation of 50 MW or more. See also Companion Bill HF 28.
Status: Introduced 2/13/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment & Climate.
SF 1429 (Rasmusson): Exempting energy produced out of state from the carbon free standard requirements. See also Companion Bill HF 787.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1432 (Farnsworth): Clarifying that wood waste biomass counts as an eligible energy technology.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1433 (Mathews): Prohibiting time of use (TOU) rates without customers’ consent.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1434 (Mathews): Removing the solar incentives program from the Renewable Development Account.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1435 (Mathews): Requiring a study on advanced nuclear power; provides funding for study.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1436 (Mathews): Exempts munis and coops from the RES/CFS standards.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1530 (Mathews): Requiring a delay in compliance for circumstances (e.g. lack of transmission access) are beyond the utility’s control.
Status: Introduced 2/17/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1662 (Westlin): Clarifying what constitutes a “major decision” of non-elected officials under MN lobbying laws.
Status: Introduced 2/20/25; referred to Elections.
SF 1710 (Putnam): Appropriating funds for MRETS tracking of ammonia, hydrogen and renewable energy certificates.
Status: Introduced 2/20/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1741 (Port): Requiring local governments to establish a residential instant solar permitting platform.
Status: Introduced 2/20/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1879 (Gruenhagen): Providing a sales tax exemption for cryptocurrency and AI data centers.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1915 (Boldon): Appropriating funds and mandating a study on campaign spending limits.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Elections. No committee action recorded 3/4/25. Laid over for possible omnibus bill inclusion.
SF 1924 (Pratt): Establishing the A+ Energy Act. Modifying the Clean and Renewable Energy standards; removing the hydro cap, removing the nuclear moratorium, and removing the requirement of a certificate of need for nuclear, hydroelectric and biomass generation.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1975 (Bahr): Modifying net metering to clarify capacity and to move compensation to avoided cost.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 1996 (Marty): Expanding the definition of what constitutes supporting a candidate or measure for campaign finance purposes.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Elections. Set for hearing 3/6/25. Re-set for hearing 3/11/25.
SF 2018 (Weber): Allowing certain uses of B100 fuel as “carbon free”.
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate.
SF 2092 (Johnson Stewart): Placing a per kWh charge on electric vehicle charging.
Status: Introduced 3/3/25; referred to Transportation.
SF 2216 (Klein): The budget for Dept. of Commerce, PUC, and energy budget provisions.
Status: Introduced 3/6/25; referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection.
SF 2241 (Maye Quade): Prohibiting political subdivisions from sharing personally identifiable information with federal agencies.
Status: Introduced 3/6/25; referred to Judiciary and Public Safety.