MRES Today – July 2022
| Posted in: MRES Today Newsletter
In its 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warned that more than half the nation is at an elevated risk of forced blackouts this summer, including the upper Midwest. How could it be that the United States electric grid, which has served us so reliably for decades, is now at risk of energy emergencies?
MRES Today – June 2022
| Posted in: MRES Today Newsletter
Reliability of electric service has always been the cornerstone of public power utilities. Unfortunately, regional reliability may be compromised this summer due to issues beyond the control of MRES and our members. A number of regional transmission organizations (RTOs) that operate the electric grid are projecting an elevated risk of electricity shortages in the Midwest and other regions of the country, which means that energy emergency alerts (EEAs) may be issued. These EEAs tell utilities what to do if there are issues, such as severe weather conditions or uncertainty in the wind forecast, that threaten the ability to provide energy to customers. Click below to learn more ...
MRES Today – April/May 2022
| Posted in: MRES Today Newsletter
Highlights of this issue include the projected risk of electricity shortfall in summer 2022, as well as updates on member safety and reliability awards, member tours of RRHP, and Rep. Randy Feenstra meeting with MRES leaders.
MRES Annual Report 2021
| Posted in: Financials
Our theme for this year’s report truly reflects our approach to meeting and anticipating our members’ needs. We continued to manage risk exposure and apply sound resilience strategies. And we remained steadfast in our mission to affordably and reliably serve our public power communities. This report showcases how our team is working hard for our 61 members so they can do what they do best — deliver reliable electricity to their customers.