Six members of Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) are among the 275 public power utilities nationwide to be recognized for outstanding service under the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) program. In addition, three MRES members are among the 113 utilities nationwide to earn APPA’s Safety Award of Excellence.

The RP3 designation, which lasts for three years, recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. The MRES members earning this designation are all located in Minnesota. They are: ALP Utilities in Alexandria, Detroit Lakes Public Utilities, Hutchinson Utilities Commission, Marshall Municipal Utilities, Moorhead Public Service, and Willmar Municipal Utilities.

The Safety awards are based on number of work-related reportable injuries or illnesses and the number of worker-hours during the year, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. MRES members that earned these awards are: Marshall (Minn.) Municipal Utilities, Sioux Center (Iowa) Municipal Electric Utility, and Willmar (Minn.) Municipal Utilities.

MRES is an organization of 61 member municipalities in the states of Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Each member owns and operates a municipal electric utility. MRES provides its members with energy and a wide range of energy-related services.

APPA is a service organization for more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that serve more than 49 million people nationwide. APPA provides education, collaboration, and support for these utilities, as well as federal advocacy before Congress, the White House, administrative agencies, regulatory bodies, and courts.


For more information, contact Member Services and Communications Director Joni Livingston at Missouri River Energy Services, phone: 605-261-3637 or email: